miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

You and I

You and I

Only one I in the whole wide world
And millions and millions of you,
But every you is an I to itself
And I am a you to you, too!
But if I am a you and you are an I
And the opposite also is true,
It makes us both the same somehow
Yet splits us each in two.
It's more and more mysterious,
The more I think it through:
Every you everywhere in the world is an I;
Every I in the world is a you!
From: MY SONG IS BEAUTIFUL (Little, Brown and Co., 1994)

food for thought

"Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time."
Hebrew proverb

I categorize teachers into three types:
1) Neomethodomaniacs (those who blindly follow new methods)
2) Neomethodophobes (those who are allergic to new methods)
3) Neomethodophiles (those who find new methods meaningful and useful and try them)
A successful trainer should be a neomethodophile. To put it differently, a neomethodophobe cannot be a successful trainer.